วันจันทร์ที่ 19 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2553

How to Choose the Best LCD Flat TV

Image : http://www.flickr.com

If you're looking for the best LCD flat tv, but you feel a little confused about what to buy, don't feel alone. The market for LCD tv's is ever changing, and can seem confusing, unless, of course, you know what's important. In this article, I'm going to tell you what you need to look for when shopping for your next LCD flat tv.

First off, is LCD better or is plasma better? For a while, it looked like plasma, but then LCD picture quality got a lot better. Also, LCD screens have gotten bigger and bigger over the past two or three years. One thing that plasma tv's had over LCD tv's was the quality of the blacks. LCD's just weren't able to deliver deep, rich blacks. That particular problem is a thing of the past. Other issues that have been successfully dealt with are viewing angle and blurring.

In other words, if you're looking for the best LCD flat tv, then you're doing the right thing! Because LCD tv's have come into their own.

You can buy an LCD tv for as little as a few hundred dollars for a small screen to as much as several thousand dollars. Of course, the biggest driving force behind price is screen size. Fortunately for us consumers, there are a number of manufacturers out there, and there's a lot of competition. If you want to get the best LCD tv, then you need to stick with the following manufacturers, LG, Phillips, Samsung, Sharp, Sony, Vizio, and Westinghouse. You can get good deals at places like Best Buy or Target, but shopping online might be something to consider, too! Amazon, for instance, usually has very good prices.

To choose the best LCD flat tv, you need to first off decide on screen size. Be aware that you can sit closer to an LCD flat tv than you could to your old picture tube tv. Since the resolution is better, closer viewing is possible. But that doesn't mean you need to launch out and get the biggest screen you can afford. You also should take the room size into account.

For instance, a 50-inch set will probably be too big for most bedrooms.

Speaking of resolution, the best resolution is 1080p. This refers to the number of lines across the screen and how those lines are arranged. 1080p is fairly new, and not all sets have it. The others probably have 720. You don't necessarily need the higher resolution, though. In a lot of instances, the lower resolution will look just as good. Both qualify for high-definition.

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